Mar 24, 2009

Database security

Database security is one of the most effective and major security. I am going to write about MySQL and how to supply security of it because it is most popular database in the world. It is often used with PHP, Java, and etc on the Internet.

If it was installed default, there are some vulnerability. Example: root user doesn't have password, and it is befall able to buffer over attacks, so it means default MySQL database is easy to accessible for attackers.

Security requirements:
In order to achieve the highest possible level of security, the installation and configuration of MySQL should be performed in accordance with the following security requirements:

* MySQL database must be executed in a chrooted environment;
* MySQL processes must run under a unique UID/GID that is not used by any other system process;
* Only local access to MySQL will be allowed;
* MySQL root's account must be protected by a hard to guess password;
* The administrator's account will be renamed;
* Anonymous access to the database (by using the nobody account) must be disabled;
* All sample databases and tables must be removed.

Network security:
As with securing a network, securing a database by looking at the various layers that are involved is an effective approach. Security of databases can be defined as preventing unauthorized or accidental disclosure, alteration, or destruction of data.

Network design incorporates the three layers of a Web application running on different servers, usually set apart by firewalls that have specific rules to only let traffic through to the specific port on a specific server at whichever layer that the user is trying to access:

Internet -> Firewall -> Web -> Firewall -> Application -> Firewall -> Database

Something else that it should demonstrate is that it is very costly to implement such a design because firewalls and servers are not cheap. Oftentimes, a sys admin will choose a compromise, combining the application and database servers. This isn’t ideal from a security perspective; nevertheless, it is a vast improvement over leaving a sensitive database facing the Internet directly.

Access Control:
Access to information contained in the tables must be properly regulated. This can be done with control over direct access to the tables, and also through views. Views and privileges assigned to the views can be created to limit users to only see specified portions of data contained within a table.

In order to fully implement a secure MySQL database, it is necessary to learn the MySQL access control system. There are four privilege levels that apply:

1. Global: these privileges apply to all databases on a server.
2. Database: these privileges apply to all tables in a database.
3. Table: these apply to all columns within a table.
4. Column: these apply to individual columns in a table.

The usage of these commands is varied:

GRANT priv_type [(column_list)] [, priv_type [(column_list)] ...]
ON {tbl_name | * | *.* | db_name.*}
TO user_name [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] 'password']
[, user_name [IDENTIFIED BY 'password'] ...]
[{SSL| X509}]
[CIPHER cipher [AND]]
[ISSUER issuer [AND]]
[SUBJECT subject]]

REVOKE priv_type [(column_list)] [, priv_type [(column_list)] ...]
ON {tbl_name | * | *.* | db_name.*}
FROM user_name [, user_name ...]

Role-based authentication should be considered when adding access to any database. Typical roles for access include administrator, user, programmer and operator.

The sensitivity of the data will logically determine the need for the use of encryption. There are a few things to consider when thinking about implementing encryption:

1. Will the data stored in the database need to be encrypted or just the user passwords?
2. Will you need to encrypt the data only in the local instance of the database, or do you need to also encrypt the data in transit?

Many of the standard secure database design principles apply to MySQL. Of course, it has many of its own intricacies that need to be understood and audited carefully before any database is fully implemented. Lastly, it is important to keep in mind that other layers of security apply when hosting a database, such as network and operating system security.

In last, I used some internet resources as, MYSQL forum, WikiPedia.


Anonymous said...

gar utas ruu baazaas ugugdliig yaj avah ve mash delgerengui tailbarlaad uguuch please

Enba said...

Hi, yag yaj data avmaar baigaagaas chin shaltgaalandaa.

Anonymous said...

servleteer damjuulj avah sanaatai ta neg tiimerhuu jisheed source bval taviad uguuch